This past Sunday marks one year since a mass shooting stole the lives of eleven and left the Monterey Park community in grief after Lunar New Year. AAPI Equity Alliance joins the Asian American community in remembering the victims, survivors and their families and celebrating the incredible resilience of the Monterey Park community. Many gathered at a vigil hosted by the City of Monterey Park and survivors of the shooting threw a dance party at the Lai Lai ballroom, turning the studio back into their place of joy and refuge.
“We are a community of heroes that thrives from a brighter, safer future without gun violence.” shared Brandon Tsay, who disarmed the shooter and saved dozens of lives, at last night’s vigil.
Despite the support and care many received, surviving victims and families are still finding ways to heal and get back on their feet one year later. You can help in this critical, ongoing process by sharing AAPI Equity Alliance’s resource directory, filled with mental health and health resources available in nine languages, and contributing to the Monterey Park Community Healing Fund to support essential resources and compensation.
AAPI Equity Alliance remains deeply committed to ending senseless violence and advocating for culturally-attuned mental health programs. Under the Transformative Grant Initiative, we’re starting to learn more about the mental health impacts of racism, discrimination and violence from five Asian American communities: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Cambodian and Filipino. And we will not stop until all Asian American and Pacific Islander communities can authentically thrive in safe, healthy, and strong communities.